Infosnacks by Megan McDuffee



Rats are intelligent and social creatures, often being quite affectionate and playful pets. Rats can be found worldwide and are adaptable to many environments.
Dust Bunnies

Dust Bunnies

Small balls of dust, fluff, and otherwise nose-tickling elusive bits of conglomerated fuzz that lives under your bed are affectionately known as dust bunnies.


Xanth is a magical fantasy land created in novels by author Piers Anthony. Many things in Xanth don't translate into real life (Mundania).


Data is an android, and one of the main characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation. He has no emotion chip, and therefore cannot feel any emotions.
Sowbug Killer

Sowbug Killer

The Sowbug killer spider is quite a gnarly-looking arachnid. Their diet consists exclusively of sow bugs, also known as roly-polys. They are found many places.


In the video game series The Legend of Zelda there are crow-like enemies called Guays. They appear to be ordinary crows that swoop down on the protagonist Link.
LOL Cats

LOL Cats

Ok, so (almost) everyone loves adorable photos of kittens and cats on the internet. LOL Cats takes it to the next level with hilarious captions.
B Major

B Major

The key of B major uses five sharps: A#, D#, G#, C#, and F#. The chords in B major are: B maj, C# min, D# min, E maj, F# maj, G# min, A# diminished.
G Major

G Major

The key of G major uses one sharp: F#. The chords in G major are: G maj, A min, B min, C maj, D maj, E min, F# diminished. The relative minor is E minor.
F Major

F Major

The key of F major uses one flat: Bb. The chords in F major are: F maj, G min, A min, Bb maj, C maj, D min, E diminished. The relative minor is D minor.
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