Whole Numbers

Comparing Whole Numbers

Comparing Whole Numbers

The most common way to compare whole numbers is to use the less than, greater than, and equals symbols.
Ways of Writing Whole Numbers

Ways of Writing Whole Numbers

Whole numbers can be written in standard form (1,234), word form (one thousand two hundred thirty-four), and expanded form ( 1,000 + 200 + 30 + 4).
Whole Numbers

Whole Numbers

Whole numbers are a set of numbers that include all positive integers, all negative integers, and zero.
Whole Numbers: Place Value

Whole Numbers: Place Value

Place Value refers to the value of a digit based on its position in a number.
Whole Numbers: Powers of 10

Whole Numbers: Powers of 10

Powers of 10 is a notation where 10 is raised to a certain power to represent the number of zeros in the number.