Db Major has 5 flats: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, and Gb. The relative minor of Db Major is Bb minor. Db Major is tonally identical to and can be referred to as C# Major.
Doctrine Of The Affections is a term applied to a compositional technique employed in which the music would ascend or descend with the intent of the lyrics.
The key of F major uses one flat: Bb. The chords in F major are: F maj, G min, A min, Bb maj, C maj, D min, E diminished. The relative minor is D minor.
The key of G major uses one sharp: F#. The chords in G major are: G maj, A min, B min, C maj, D maj, E min, F# diminished. The relative minor is E minor.
Gb Major has 6 flats: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb. The relative minor of Gb Major is Eb minor. Gb Major is tonally identical to and can be referred to as F# Major.
Typically guitar chords are played as 5 or 6 note bar chords or open guitar chords at the neck. But also commonly guitar chords can be played as 3 note triads.
Guitar triads are 3 string chords achieved by muting the unplayed strings. Instead of playing bar chords & open chords, chords can be voiced in 3 note groups.