

Dmegs is an online website directly. As the web grows at an alarming rate, Dmegs provides useful and advanced search and filtering tools to find relevant sites.


Input the ingredients you have in your kitchen, plus the kinds of food you like, and up will pop a collection of recipes from professional chefs.


Infosnacks is an informational data resource dedicated to the collection and preservation of small, easy to consume, bite sized bits of knowledge and info.
LOL Cats

LOL Cats

Ok, so (almost) everyone loves adorable photos of kittens and cats on the internet. LOL Cats takes it to the next level with hilarious captions.

Mystic Waffle

A brief summary on Mystic Waffle, a blog about nerdy science fiction & fantasy stuff, such as D&D, video games, books, and comics.


Paperbackswapis a free online site for sharing and buying books. Members accumulate credits by offering their own books so that swaps can be made.


StumbleUpon is a unique website where users define their interests and then stumble the web.

Surname Database

To learn the origins of your surname type in your last name and you'll get a brief history of where most folks with the same last name originated from.