A handy snowboarding checklist to double/triple check before heading out for a day of snowboarding! Don't get to the mountain to find your pants missing!
When making a cappuccino, caffè latte, or mocha, the steamed milk can be applied to an espresso drink with exact movements and spoonfuls to create pictures.
Monospacing is when a font uses the exact same visual space for every character. Programmers love monospaced fonts because it makes it easy to organize code.
Some guitarists like to stretch their guitar strings after restringing their guitar so they don't have to constantly retune the new set of strings during play.
Back in the day is a saying that simply refers to the past. It's often associated with fond memories and nostalgia of an individual's history and childhood.
The Pyramid Of Doom is an excessive use of nested code statements in software programming. It makes code difficult to read and even more difficult to maintain.
Feature Creep, is the inefficient, undesirable, and costly practice of constantly adding and changing features during the software development process.
Quick and easy guide to balance a hot tub. Check levels with test strips, then balance pH with a target pH level of 7.2 to 7.6, retesting after 20 minutes.
A super simple recipe for homemade blueberry pancakes from scratch! All it takes is flower, brown sugar, baking powder, salt, butter, eggs, and almond milk.