Mancala is an ancient game dating back to 6th century Africa. The goal is to make as many rounds as possible and to get more stones than your opponent.
Honor of the Samurai is a card game set in 16th century Japan and based on historical facts. Players are elite warrior samurai in service of a daimyo warlord.
The North American Tiger Lily, Lilium columbianum, can be found in North America in areas such as California, Idaho, Nevada, and southern British Columbia.
In Kings Corners, Kings are played on the corners going out from the deck in diagonals. If a player has a King they must place it in one of the corners.
The Pyramid Of Doom is an excessive use of nested code statements in software programming. It makes code difficult to read and even more difficult to maintain.
Stone Henge in England's Wiltshire County near Amesbury is something of a mystery. It was constructed around 2500 BCE and consists of stones weighing many tons.