
E Major

E Major

The key of E major has four sharps: F#, C#, G#, and D#. The chords in this key are: E maj, F# min, G# min, A maj, B maj, C# min, D# diminished.
Travis Style Fingerpicking

Travis Style Fingerpicking

Travis style fingerpicking, named after guitarist Merle Travis, is a guitar technique for right hand picking commonly played on a steel string acoustic guitar.
Mini Discs

Mini Discs

Mini Discs were was popular in the 90's for storing audio data. The compact, un-scratchable, re-recordable discs are protected by a hard plastic case.


Chinchilla hail from the Andes mountains in South America. They've made a comeback after facing extinction from being over-hunted for their soft, dense fur.
B Major

B Major

The key of B major uses five sharps: A#, D#, G#, C#, and F#. The chords in B major are: B maj, C# min, D# min, E maj, F# maj, G# min, A# diminished.
Borel Hill

Borel Hill

Borel Hill is the highest named point in San Mateo County. It is located in Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve and owned by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space.
F Major

F Major

The key of F major uses one flat: Bb. The chords in F major are: F maj, G min, A min, Bb maj, C maj, D min, E diminished. The relative minor is D minor.


Xanth is a magical fantasy land created in novels by author Piers Anthony. Many things in Xanth don't translate into real life (Mundania).
Sowbug Killer

Sowbug Killer

The Sowbug killer spider is quite a gnarly-looking arachnid. Their diet consists exclusively of sow bugs, also known as roly-polys. They are found many places.
Ibanez S470DXQM

Ibanez S470DXQM

This sweet shred machine is good for more than just metal. The Ibanez S470DXQM can be used in a wide variety of musical styles and boasts a Floyd Rose ZR trem.
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