The Enneagram is a personality typing system. This system uses nine personality types. Every person has some aspects of all nine types but is rooted in one.
Gestalt is a German word meaning the essence or shape of an entity's complete form. First popularized in the 1970s the term means the totality of the situation.
The green flash is a green light visible just for a second after the sun sets below the horizon. The high frequency green light remains visible after sunset.
The types of significant events which have shaped the history of earth, such as the geologic formation, the origin of live, evolution, and human achievements.
A cool trick to measure the distance of lightning from your location is to start counting when you see a flash and divide by five when you hear thunder.
IUPAC Nomenclature is a system for naming organic molecules created by the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry to provide unique names to molecules.
Mononucleosis, known as the kissing disease, is a viral infection that causes fatigue, fever, sore throat and swollen lymph glands and is contracted via saliva.
Newton’s laws of motion: objects at rest remain at rest, acceleration of an object is related to the force applied to it, for every action there is a reaction