J. Krishnamurti was born in 1895 in small village in India. He was heralded as the long prophesied spiritual leader, but in 1929 he denounced this role.
Justine Lemos is a talented dancer, inspirational educator, and highly effective yoga instructor. She holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from UC Riverside.
The Mad Professor syndrome is exemplified by a scientist who experiments in his laboratory and is often featured in sci-fi movies where the world is at stake.
Megan McDuffee is a San Francisco Bay Area composer for Film, TV, Video Games, and other media. Megan specializes in orchestration and electronic mediums.
The Mendocino Volunteer Fire Department is a local non-profit organization that responds to the emergency needs of the Mendocino Fire Protection District.
Multi-slacking is the fine art of looking busy while doing absolutely nothing. The required skills are simultaneously using a computer, phone, and tablet.
Multitasking is the human ability to attend to more than one function at a time, for example reading a book and listening to music while attending an event.
Nap time is a short period of daytime sleep. A nap to aid digestion and to refresh the mind and spirit is practiced in many cultures throughout the world.
The Olmec civilization of south-central Mexico dates from approximately 1500 to 400 BCE. The Olmecs were skilled artisans and craftsmen, well known for statues.
Passive aggression is a human behavior where disapproval, disappointment, or anger is communicated indirectly and the aggressor admits no responsibility.